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MHT-CET 2022 6 August Memory Based Questions with Answers (Morning Shift):


MHT-CET 2022 6 August Memory Based Questions with Answers (Morning Shift): 

MHT-CET 2022 Memory Based Questions with Answers (Morning Shift): 

Get the memory-based questions from Physics - Chemistry & Maths section that came in MHT-CET 2022 Exam held in online mode on 6th august 2022.

MHTCET 5 Aug Exam was conducted in Two shifts first shift was scheduled from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Whereas second shift was conducted From 2:30 PM To 5:30 PM
Below you will get the memory based questions , difficulty level ,solution below.

This exam will be conducted till 11SAuguast with daily two shifts .
Student will be able to download the memory based questions soon after the test has been conducted.

If you attended the test in this shift you can help us Providing the questions you remember . 
Required credits will be given in the post. 
You can message us on 7020781343

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The table given below highlights the subject-wise difficulty level of JEE Main July Session Day 1 Shift 1:

SubjectsDifficulty Level
MathematicsEasy( Lengthy) 

MHT-CET 2022 : 6th August (shift 1) Memory Based Questions with Answers (PHYSICS)

Physics madhe mostly formula based questions hote
1.linear moment 
2.angular momentum
3.magnetic field due to straight conductors
4. 2 wires madhle current double aani distance half zalyavar force kiti asel vicharla hota
5.logic gate var question hota
6) Two spheres 'S' and 'S' have same radit but temperatures T, and T, respectively.
Their emissive power is same and emissivity is in the ratio 1:4. Then the ratio of T to T₂ is
Physics madhe mostly formula based questions hote
8).linear moment 
9).angular momentum
10).magnetic field due to straight conductors
11). 2 wires madhle current double aani distance half zalyavar force kiti asel vicharla hota
12).logic gate var question hota
13) Electro chem madhun :-
 ( Ecell = Ecathode - Eanode )
Hya formula vrun yek question hota
14)Galvanometer to voltmeter ksa kru shakto tya vr formula ala hota
15) If r1 is the first Bohr radius, then the radius of the third Bohr orbit is given by
16) If r1 is the first Bohr radius, then the radius of the third Bohr orbit is given by

MHT-CET 2022: 6th August (shift 1) Memory Based Questions with Answers (CHEMISTRY)

1) Which Acid is p.in Lemon
2) which compound shows had high sN1 reaction
3) Thermo par easy ques U=Q+w
4) Use of buna s
5) Hoffman elimination ( catalyst )
6) List of reaction ( which of the about is wrong)
7) HCP coordinaton no.
8) Density formula
9) Solutions mai identify the correct formula
10) Pvc ka monomer
11) P type semiconductor me kya  rehta trivalent or pentavalent and.  Holes or electrons
12) Actinoids find out kra mhnle hote given options madhun Phenol + aniline chi reaction dili hoti n intermediate sanga mhnle hote
13)Vinyl cha structure dila hota n tyacha polymer ky ahe vicharla hota
14)Henry law vr yek 
15)Molecular weight of solute cha formula ala hota solution madhun
16)Hcp cha coordination number ky ahe asa question hota
17)Which of following is produced in human body?
18)pvc var question hota
19).nuclear reactor madhe kay use hotay asa question hota aani thode element dile hote options madhe
20).molecular mass che derevation vichala hota "elevation in boiling point"chya terms madhe
21).organic mostly easy hota
22).ph vicharla hota  H+ che conc. Deun
23).E° vicharla hota cell notation aani 2 E chya value dilya hotya
24).macromolecular colloid konate aahe asa question hota
25)density dili hoti g/dm³ madhe aani kg/m³ madhe kiti asel vicharla hota

Polymers, uses 2 question

Biomoelcules , 2 question on buna s buna n uses

P block :- which of following is Actnides 

Thermodynamics:- number of mole 2 question

Electrochemistry:-degree of dissociation 1 question

Rate constant (k) 1 question

Halogen derivatives 2 question

Hofman reaction

Solution:- 2 question on change in internal energy 

Green chemistry:- which of the following statement doesn't apply for green chemistry
(Basically uses/types asked) 

Number of moles, direct formula put kro answer nikalo type

Sanderns reaction as it is 

Oxidation state of co-ordinate compound 

Number of electron to form cr from cr+3 

Question on lanthanide series

Coordination compound:- one compound was there and asked thats is it a paramagnetic or diamagnetic

MHT-CET 2022: 6th August (shift 1) Memory Based Questions with Answers (MATHS)

1)Integration of Logx/x limit from 2 to 3
2) Integration from -π/2 to π/2 sin of mod x plus cos of mod x
3) Lpp  theory question 
4) Standard Deviation of n natural number is 2 then the value of n is?
5) Maths madhe 
6).  2 lines madhala angle vicharla hota 
7). First n number cha sd 2 dila hota aani n kiti aahe vicharla hota
8)Sin inverse (x) + Sin inverse (y) + Sin inverse (z) = 3Ï€/2
Then, x^100 + y^100 + z^100 = ?
9) AOD  madhun circumference dili hoti Ani maximum area vicharla hota
10)Tan(3 theta) = -1 dila hota n tyache solution sanga asa question hota
11) a=3i+2j+5k  and b= 7i-5j-k then find vector projection of b on a

Matrices - 2 to 3 questions 
Logic - 2 questions 
Calculus - bohot hi zyada the. 
Line and plane, vectors - 6 se 7 questions the(exact yaad nhi)
Trigo - 3 or 4 
PD - 1 
BD - 1

Important Dates of MHT CET 2022 Answer Key

Event Name Dates
Exam Date of MHT CET 2022 

August 5 – August 11, 2022 (PCM Group)

August 12 – August 20, 2022 (PCB Group)

Provisional MHT CET 2022 Answer Key Availability Online Last week of August 2022
Online Submission of MHT CET 2022 Objections on Question Paper/Answer keyLast week of August 2022
Release of Final MHT CET 2022 Answer Key2nd week of September 2022

MHT CET 2022 Result - Normalization Process

The exam conducting authority will release the MHT CET 2022 result on the basis of the normalization process. The State Common Entrance Test Cell, Government of Maharashtra has released the MHT CET 2022 result notification formula in the official notification. Along with the result, applicants can also check MHT CET marks vs rank 2022. For more details, candidates can check below.

MHT CET Percentile Score = 100 * (Number of candidates in exam with normalized marks ≤ the candidate) ÷ Total number of candidates in the exam.


MHT CET cut off 2022

The exam conducting authority will release the MHT CET cut off 2022 after the conclusion of the counselling session. The cut off marks will be released separately for all the participating institutes. For more details about MHT CET previous year cut off, applicants can refer to the table below.

MHT CET Cutoff 2020


MHT Cutoff

All India Cutoff

Round 1

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Round 2

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